1986 - 1988 Auxiliary Technician of Electronics
1997 - 1998 Title of Real-estate Manager of Estates
2005 - 2012 Safety counselor (Dangerous Goods)
2009 - 2011 Practical Acupuncture
(80 hours) Course of professional design of web pages, dealed in Center of Studies Adams; Theory of the design, Photoshop 6, ImageReady, Gif Animator, Dreamweaver 4, Flash 5, HTML, DHTML, Javascript.
From very early age I felt attracted by the nature, which led me from 14 years to practising the Athletics during more than six years. At the age of 20 I began to practise Aikido, and since then it began to wake my interest up for the oriental philosophies. From the 90s I began there is necessary to interest me for the fitoterapia, and it me? I go years ago there is necessary to study Traditional Medicine China (Acupuncture). Being associated of the European Foundation of Traditional Medicine China, with the number PR: 11112-1807. Beside continuing penetrating more into everything related to the Acupuncture. In the year 2012 it formed a part of the equipment of EXPERT TEAM MTC, for the investigation of new treatments with acupuncture and fitoterapia.
The interest for the human being has led me during these years to forming and investigating me in different branches of the knowledge related to the health, in his physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual aspect and the way of developing to the maximum our potential.
As a complement and following the path I have trained as a teacher in Tai Chi Chuan and Chi Kung. Seeing the results obtained in this field, and by experiences of teachers with whom I have formed, I continue doing courses of improvement with teachers like; Wong Kiev Kit, Janu Ruiz. With this discipline s learned I also incorporate in my Chi Kung therapeutic consultations.
At present I am formed in Biological Medicine with the Doctor Félix Irigoyen, based on MTC's knowledge, and prescribing treatments with fitoterapia.